Self-Mastery Group

The Essentials of Intuitive Intelligence for Therapists

6-Week Group Training for Therapists

This group is for you if you:

  • Desire to connect with other professionals in a spiritual, metaphysical exploration group
  • Seek to deepen in your own spiritual connection
  • Are interested in learning about and developing your Intuitive Intelligence
  • Wish to connect, listen and trust your own intuition for yourself and clients you serve
  • Yearn to know how to live and bridge the two worlds of being fully human and fully divine to access your higher potential and stay grounded in the modern world
  • Want to know how to incorporate energetic healing modalities into your therapeutic work
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Intentions for this training are to:

  • Learn what Intuitive Intelligence is and how to connect to your superconscious intuition
  • Deepen in your spiritual and meditation practice to cultivate your Intuitive Intelligence
  • Gain clarity on your purpose and service
  • Know your dominant style of intuition to more deeply trust and follow its wisdom with clarity
  • Learn the different types of intuition and how to access your non-local intuition
  • Understand the difference of being in ego vs soul
  • Review the universal laws and science of intuition to understand why “energy first” matters
  • Learn how to discuss spirituality with your clients and review the ethical considerations
  • Understand the basics of how to entrain your clients to your higher vibrational state

This initial training covers the essentials of Intuitive Intelligence, and ways to develop and embody your Self-Mastery, to live a happier, healthier more abundant life. The course stands alone as well as acts as a pre-cursor to the upcoming Self-Mastery for Therapists Part 2 where participants will learn a method to guide clients into an altered state of consciousness to meet and clear subconscious fear, rewire their consciousness and return to a higher state of being for improved well being and Self-Mastery.

What’s Included:

  • Six weekly 90-minute group sessions in my private office (6-10 person limit)
  • Weekly teachings and experiential learning
  • Meditations and resources to support your integration and process
  • Group discussion
  • Daily Sadhana (devotion) to establish or revitalize your spiritual routine
  • Facebook community page
  • Email availability to support you between sessions as needed


222 Auburn Street, Suite G4
Portland, Maine 04103


Dates & Time: TBD


Details coming soon.

Alison Caswell, M.S. Self Mastery Mentoring

Your GroupFacilitator Alison Caswell, M.S.

For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to the study of the soul, the spirit and seeking a deeper meaning of the Truth about life. I have a passion to study, guide and connect with others about the metaphysical and spiritual depths of our being and non-dualistic nature.

It is in the presence of our true essence where the truth lies within and we are set free.

In my work with others, I incorporate a variety of outstanding healing modalities I have studied over the years. I continue to grow and evolve and am always bringing what I learn into my sessions. My work is my pleasure and grounded in spirituality, the science of intuition, neuroscience, polyvagal theory and attachment theory. I love working with others as they fulfill their soul purpose, live from their “zone of genius” and create the life they were born to live.

“Let yourself be silently drawn to the stronger pull of what you really love.” ~Rumi